Sep 30, 2013 by Drew E
This past weekend, the Greenpoint Film Festival returned to the neighborhood for it’s third consecutive year, pulling from many different facets of the film world.The highlights included selections from the world of documentary, music video, new for 2013, and the world of the Micro-Budget film.

Last Friday evening’s documentary portion, housed at 67 West Street, featured Max Kutner’s, “At The Corner of 3rd and 3rd”, a short-form piece showcasing Gowanus’ own Coignet Stone Company Building; a 19th century historic holdout in the ever-developing landscape of Brooklyn. This was followed by Lisa Molomot’s feature length, “The Hill” which focuses on a New Haven, CT neighborhood dealing with the looming displacement of it’s residents due to expansion of the city’s school system. Both films offered plenty of food for thought and I found that Kutner’s Gowanus piece struck closer to home as we here, in Greenpoint, are also dealing with the prospects of urban renewal and development and the impact that is having on our community.
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