In My Words

“In My Words” follows aspects of Janina’s life from the 1930s, her post-WWII life as a farmer under Communism while raising four daughters, all the way to contemporary Poland.

Planet Wind – The Global Story of Offshore Wind

Embark on an expansive and awe-inspiring global journey with Offshore Wind Australia’s Andy Evans to discover the intriguing experiences humans have with this planetary force.

Greetings from Summerland

An investigative documentary film that reveals the little-known history and environmental aftermath of the world’s first offshore oil wells in Summerland, California, from their origins in the 1800s to contemporary capping efforts.

I Don’t Need Adult Conversation

A new mother dotes on her baby by day, but discovers dark feelings stirring up inside her at night.

In The Shadow of Beirut

In Sabra, one of Beirut’s toughest urban slums, sectarianism and violence is a permanent way of life. Rabia, a 38-year-old hardworking but undocumented Lebanese mother cannot afford to admit her chronically ill daughter to hospital, leaving the life of her innocent child hanging in the balance.

Isle Wild

An animal rehabilitator on Roosevelt Island fights to save one of the last remaining wild areas in New York City.

Far West

Drained by the fast-paced urban lifestyle, New York City artist Lala makes a bold decision to uproot herself and seek solace in the untamed landscapes somewhere far west.

Between Earth & Sky

Renowned ecologist Nalini Nadkarni studies “what grows back” after a disturbance in the rainforest canopy.


By boat, by bus, by train and on foot, five New York City high school students commute each day to the storied LaGuardia High School.


A female surfer navigates life between a rural beach town in El Salvador and Maryland where she goes to live with a mother she has never met.